Trash collection takes place once every week in Norfolk. However, the collection days vary from street to street. Moreover, the curbside collection starts early in the morning on your pickup day, so you have to place the carts at the curbside before this time. TFC Recycling and the City of Norfolk are proud partners in servicing Norfolk's residents with curbside recycling service. Learn more about pickup schedules, various service calendars and resources within the municipality. Posted on: November 25, 2024 | Last Modified on: November 25, 2024 Thanksgiving Waste & Recycling Collection Schedule. Waste and recycling collections for Thursday, Nov. 28 are rescheduled for Saturday, Nov. 30. Requests for bulk waste collection on Friday, Nov. 25, and Saturday, Nov. 26, must be made before 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 23. To schedule bulk waste collection, submit a service request via the MyNorfolk app, online portal, or call Norfolk Cares at (757) 664-6510. Review the Curbside Recycling / Trash Collection Schedule. Garbage Collection. Review the following garbage collection tips: Cart lids should be closed; Household trash, recycling, bulk waste, yard waste and tires are all collected at the curb; Items may be taken to the curb beginning at 5 p.m. the day before collection and no later than 7 a.m ... Norfolk. The adjusted day for trash that was supposed to be picked up on Thanksgiving (Nov. 26) is Saturday, Nov. 28. There is no change in Black Friday trash pickup. Find the Norfolk Trash Schedule 2024 (Bulk Pickup, Holidays, Maps). Get the lastest trash collection and garbage pickup updates. Thursday trash and recycling collection will take place as scheduled. If you want to request a bulk waste pickup, schedule it by 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 23. Use myNorfolk online or the mobile app and avoid the phone hold time. Norfolk, Portsmouth: Thursday’s collection will be picked up Saturday. Chesapeake, Suffolk, Virginia Beach: Thursday’s collection will be picked up Friday.
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