The original television broadcast of the iconic Peanuts special "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving", as aired on CBS on November 20th 1973. Two slices of toast, a handful of jellybeans, some pretzels - not quite what comes to mind when you think of Thanksgiving dinner. It's not what Peppermint Patty imagines either, but that's what she gets when she invites herself over to Charlie Brown's house for a turkey-day feast. A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving is now streaming, exclusively on Apple TV+#ACharlieB... Join Snoopy and Woodstock as they prepare the ultimate Thanksgiving dinner. A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. It's Turkey Day for the Peanuts gang—and Snoopy is ready to start cooking. ... Video Distribution Made Easy: Shopbop Designer Fashion ... A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving is available to stream exclusively on Apple TV+, the home for any and all Peanuts holiday specials. While there is a fee to use the platform, the streamer offers... Two slices of toast, a handful of jellybeans, some pretzels - not quite what comes to mind when you think of Thanksgiving dinner. It's not what Peppermint Patty imagines either, but that's what she gets when she invites herself over to Charlie Brown's house for a turkey-day feast. Peppermint Patty invites everyone to Charlie Brown's for Thanksgiving, even though he's going to see his grandmother. Snoopy decides to cook his own version of a Thanksgiving meal with help from his friends. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving is available to stream on Apple TV+, the official host for all Peanuts holiday specials. Apple TV+ also made the movie free to watch for non-subscribers from November ...
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